Thursday, July 28, 2011

When the Stars Align...the Power of Positive Intention

My family's long seven month journey of living in two cities is coming to an end thanks to the Power of Positive Intentions. My wife, Jean, has been living and working in Madison, WI while I was back home with my son in Shawano, WI. Madison and Shawano are two and half hours away. Jean and I made a commitment to see each other every weekend till school let out for my son in June.

We put our home up for sale in January and waited. I am a firm believer in positive intentions create your reality. In many ways this is what Karate is all is about manifesting your reality...(see my posts on this subject) With meditation and prayers from my friends and family, our home is now sold. The timing was perfect.

We put an offer on a home near Madison months ago and set the closing date for July 22nd. At that time our house had zero offers or serious lookers. Near the end of June while we were preparing to rent out our home an offer came through and they wanted the house on July 29th. Wow! One week after we buy our home we will have sold ours.

To top it off, my wife was worried about the job market for me. I had zero hits for interviews then on the same day we got an offer to purchase our home I got a call  for a job interview. Well, I will be employed with a new clinic after Labor Day. This gives me a few weeks to get Jacob settled in school.

All of these events happened so synchronistically it was eerie...a cool eerie.

Well, tomorrow morning the movers drop off our belongings at our new home and Jean and I can resume a married life under one roof. Thanks for all the prayers. They do work.

Hands palm to palm,

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Words do Shape Your Reality!

Last week, in my office, one of my pain management clients came in to tell me how the advice I gave her reduced her discomfort tremendously. She was amazed how a simple change in how she describes her pain could actually make a difference in her perception of the pain.

She has severe jaw pain and finds it difficult to talk, eat and drink. Opening her mouth wide is extremely painful and she reports being in chronic pain 24/7. She hates pain medications and uses them sparingly, stating she would rather have the pain and feel clear and sharp than dulled by meds.

Well, the change in words she used is something I have posted before and she isn't the first person to report a change in their perception of pain by doing this. What this woman did was stop using the word 'Pain.' She substituted the word 'Discomfort.' She stated that after only three days of doing this she was talking to a friend who made her laughing usually causes her pain to escalate, but this time her mouth opened and she was laughing without care. Her friend noticed it and made the comment on the wonderful change.

My client was ecstatic with delight.

So, how does this work?  Discomfort has an imbedded hypnotic suggestion of Comfort. The Subconscious Mind which is responsible for your healing can't pick up on the Dis in Discomfort. It can only see and respond to Comfort. One of the prime examples of how a negation, like Dis, or Un or Not, can't be picked up the subconscious is for me to ask you right now..."Do Not think of a Blue Monkey with a big red butt".

Yep...Blue Monkeys...Big Red Butts.

So, be mindful of the words you use. They do shape your reality. Now, don't think of Blue Monkeys tonight when your head lies down on your pillow...

For more info on Pain Management make sure you check out "Black Belt Healing: A Martial Artist's Guide to Pain Management & Injury Recovery" can buy it at

Hands palm to palm,